Expandable Dish Drainer

Joseph Joseph

A dish drainer with the ability to increase drying space without increasing the physical footprint on the countertop

The Brief

Many kitchen tops within the United States do not have a dish draining area and limited space. Design and develop a draining device that can increase its draining capacity without impacting too much on its worktop footprint.

Design concepts must fit in with Joseph Joseph’s visual style and existing product range for kitchenware.

Mood board & visual inspiration.

Initial ideation & concept sketching exploring form and functionality.


3D CAD development simulating models using true to world measurements. Concepts were pined to the wall and a group critique session was held to shortlist the concepts to progress with.


A multitude of mechanical concepts were prototyped and tested using a variety of materials and methods. Lego was a great way to quickly mock-up simple mechanisms, test them, and make alterations based on findings.


A range of methods were explored for creating adaptable spaces that could be configured depending on the size, quantity and complexity of the item that needed cleaning. These rigs were built using a variety of cheap materials in quick succession, allowing for data and observations to be gathered in a short period of time.

High Fidelity Prototyping

The project reached a stage where two high fidelity prototypes were made in China and shipped to the studio for testing and analysis. Please feel free to scroll through the images below.


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